5 for Friday - Elizabeth Meyer, Business Matchmaking Entrepreneur
I have the great providence of being surrounded by inspiring people. 5 for Friday questions will be asked of artists, farmers, curators, creators, innovators, entrepreneurs etc – all of the people that I find interesting. Everyone gets the same five questions.
You need to know Elizabeth Meyer - she is a mover and a shaker. Elizabeth is a rare breed of person who is so well-intended and sincere that magic trails her at every turn. I met Ms. Meyer through an email; She was living in NYC, and I, in Seattle, was looking for a book tour intern. From her city environs she reached out to offer help via a Craigslist posting and the rest, as they say, is history. When Meyer finally made her way to Seattle many months later, we connected over a cocktail at Poppy, meeting face-to-face for the first time. She has since easily morphed from a colleague into a dear friend - the best kind of relationship to foster.
Elizabeth used to work with celebrities in NYC (you may have heard of her pal, Star Jones) and has recently launched a niche business in Seattle. The Meyer Suite places personal assistants and house managers in homes across the country. As an entrepreneur, she has just spread her wings to build an empire, doing what she loves. We should all be so lucky, right? If you know of anyone looking for household support, or an executive looking for a perfect professional-match, please do keep Elizabeth in mind. She'll happily return the favor.
It needs to be said, as well, that Meyer is a FORCE in terms of well-being and health. She eats well, exercises daily, works out in a boxing ring, runs marathons and takes care of her skin. She is always making good choices!
1. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? I tend to eat mini meals. Today: 5am - banana with peanut butter; 8:30am - two scrambled eggs with 1/2 avocado and some sprinkled parm. And coffee. A lot of coffee!
2. What is one thing you do EVERY day, by choice? I put on eye cream every single day without fail. And I make a big green smoothie in my Vitamix every single day! And I eat an apple.
3. If you had all the time in the world and no budget restrictions, what one project would you take on just now? (Can be a hobby, business, trip, etc). I would recreate the Mario Batali/ Gwyneth Paltrow/ Mark Bittman/ Claudia Bassols roadtrip of a lifetime through Spain. The four of them would all come with me. I would leave all technology behind and immerse myself in food, wine, and culture!
4. Where is your 'happy place'? 'Unplugged' times with my friends, doing whatever it is together that brought us together. Sharing that initial common interest/bond - whether it's exercising, supper club, shopping, brunching, or just being lazy - with a great friend never fails to rejuvenate and inspire me, or, as I like to say, "fill my love bucket."
5. What is your signature dish - something you make well and consistently? Homemade banana bread. The secret is what I do with the bananas ahead of time. ;-)