Grow With Us Project :: Swanson's Nursery
As you know, I've started working with Swanson's Nursery to help highlight their offerings and remind people to get out in their yards and grow something this year. The beautiful thing about Swanson's, outside the gorgeous grounds and their many plant offerings, is the resource their staff offers - they all have wisdom and ideas about how best to plant damn near anything.
This year, they're trying something new and recently launched the "Grow With Us" project - an innovative new way to connect with customers and offer advice and ideas. Do you need help with a corner in your yard? Don't know what plants work in shade? Not sure what plants are even ON your property? Here's how they can help:
1. Snap a Picture
2. Tag it #HEYSWANSONS & post to your Twitter or Instagram. They'll be on the lookout for your questions and projects, can answer your questions, and THEN (get this)…..
3. Get Ideas! The smarty staff will put together a Pinterest board for you with appropriate planting options and any other materials you'll need (compost, plant food, etc) and send it to you. (You can also browse their Pinterest boards for inspiration & ideas, of course.)
4. 10% Off! They will also add a 10% off coupon to your board for your shopping spree. Just show your board at the register (print it out or bring your phone) for your discount.
How cool is that? Check out this early board for a "Full Sun Rockery" to see how it works & follow them on Instagram, too. I'll be watching also and am happy to answer any urban farming q's that come up. Have fun!
All expressed opinions and experiences are my own words. This is a sponsored post. My post complies with the Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) Ethics Code and applicable Federal Trade Commission guidelines.