5 for Friday - Becky Selengut, cookbook author & chef
I have the great providence of being surrounded by inspiring people. 5 for Friday questions will be asked of artists, farmers, curators, creators, innovators, entrepreneurs etc - all of the people that I find interesting. Everyone gets the same five questions.
This week, Mrs Becky Selengut, author, private chef & podcast host, gave my 5 questions a whirl. Becky and I met many years ago, both lovers of food, on a day hike and mushroom forage with Langdon Cook. None of us knew each other at the time - it was like an awesome blind date where no one got laid. There are several things I remember keenly about that trip, in regard to Becky's cool factor. I knew immediately we'd be friends. Mainly, in an odd accident, I managed to impale myself with my foraging knife, launching it directly into the small of my back as I flung my canvas bag up and over my shoulders to wear as a back pack. It stopped me in my tracks, of course, but I played it cool. Becky, on the other hand, insisted she have a look and then promptly slammed her hand against the top of my butt crack to stop the bleeding. We've had many foibles since then (ask her about her 1st book) and I'm always impressed with her knowledge, passion, humor and productivity - she's fast at work on her 3rd book, 'Shroom, due out next fall. No one can throw an off-the-cuff comment like Becky. She's talented, hilarious and she's a keeper.
Becky is currently on the east coast spending time with her 'Gummy', who is in hospice. Please send your love and prayers for the whole family.
1. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Nectarine and pluot dutch baby with rose hip syrup, made by Ashlyn Forshner at her new bed and breakfast on Whidbey Island
2. What is one thing you do EVERY day, by choice? Kiss my wife and tell her I love her.
3. If you had all the time in the world and no budget restrictions, what one project would you take on just now? (Can be a hobby, business, trip, etc) Spend a few years based in Paris, but traveling all around the world, volunteering and writing.
4. Where is your 'happy place'? Fishing
5. What is your signature dish - something you make well and consistently? Toss up between gazpacho and braised pork tacos